APTs: Getting Serious About Zero-Day Threatsby Alex Lanstein

Cyber security remains the #1 priority for IT security executives and practitioners in 2012 for good reason. With cyber-attacks on federal government systems and civilian networks increasing at an alarming rate, the threat posed is only heightened by vulnerabilities in networks that support critical operations and infrastructure. In fact, on a weekly basis, over 95% of organizations have at least 10 malicious infections bypass existing security to penetrate their networks.

In a recent congressional hearing, a former FBI cyber security specialist stated: “I believe most major companies have already been breached or will be breached, resulting in substantial losses in information, economic competitiveness and national security. Many are breached and have absolutely no knowledge that an adversary was or remains resident on their network, often times for weeks, months or even years.”

Organizations need real time, dynamic protection from today’s most dangerous threats designed to bypass traditional security defenses. Attend this webcast to learn:

  • The new techniques and tactics that make these next-generation attacks successful in the absence of a true defense-in-depth security architecture
  • Why conventional security defenses are no match for today’s sophisticated and coordinated attacks
  • How to detect and stop Web and email-based attacks that exploit zero-day vulnerabilities—when they first appear on your network
  • Key criteria when investigating next-generation threat protection
Published 02 April 2015