Open Source Threat Intelligence - Developing a Threat intelligence program using open source tools and public sourcesby Edward McCabe

Overview of building a threat intelligence program outlining the processes, tasks and activities associated with the development of a functional intelligence program. Developing an Open Source Threat Intelligence Program from Open Source Tools and Public Sources is aimed at bringing business value and technical mitigation efforts, while dispelling common myths like “We’re too small”, “Who would attack us, we make widgets?” and “We have nothing anyone would want”. Follow one geek’s journey developing a Threat Intelligence program on the Internet of (bad) things as he began a mission to slay FUD Dragons. Learn how to leverage public sources and open source tools to protect your organization. This high-level overview centers on building a Threat Intelligence program and includes topics ranging from the threat intelligence life-cycle to specific tasks, in addition to lessons learned and what to keep in mind when developing your own Threat Intelligence program.

Published 23 February 2015